Hey, a new version of Slime Volley is ahead !

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Hey, a new version of Slime Volley is ahead !

Postby MCMic » 26 Nov 2012, 21:06


long time no see!
You may have guest it but the idea of rewriting Slime Volley in C++ an release a great shiny version 3 was never even begun. It was a lot of work and we were kind of lazy getting to it.

But some weeks ago I played Slime Volley and thought "hey, this game was great, it's so sad we never added all we wanted to put in it". So I started to code again.
I've done some of the things I wanted to add to the game. I integrated yagraph pretty AI skins (1 for each AI level).
I separated level themes, menu themes and slime themes. Now each team has a slime theme, which is a set of skins that are coherent. When a player press down, the whole team changes theme.
What's the point? Well, this new theme organisation is here to welcome the brand new challenge menu!
So now you'll need to beat some challenges in order to unlock the themes!
Take a look at this challenge menu:
In black you have the challenge I've never played, in red the lost ones and in green the won ones, with by highscore for each of them.
I still need to chose which challenges I put in the game and try and order them by difficulty.
I also reorganized menus a bit: number of balls and speed mode are now set in the game menu which is a lot more logical

So, what now?
Well, I'll try and find some help to improve the collision system, maybe a bit the AI about multi-ball, and hopefully to get some new themes that you'll have to unlock ;-)
Let's play!
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