The next version of Slime Volley is shaping up in the subversion repository, and as explained in the last blog post, it rethinks themes as a whole : slime skins, level background and sounds, and menu theme.
And as explained, challenges will unlock themes.
I think you know where I'm getting at… I need you to make Slime Volley themes

It would be really great if we could have an unlockable theme for each challenge. I'm not sure yet how many challenges the game will have, but it might be a lot, as it's quite easy to invent new ones. (It won't be as easy to try and sort them depending on difficulty, maybe there'll be a time we'll need testers)
So, if you feel like it, please try and make a theme for Slime Volley!
Here is the list of files a theme for Slime Volley next version should contain:
- Code: Select all
level folder:
background.png contains the background for the match
ball.png is the sprite for the ball
arrow.png is the one for the arrow when the ball is above the screen
police.ttf is the font to be used
theme.txt is a text file that contains informations about the theme:
the text color to be used for game (as R G B format, for instance "0x00 0x00 0x00")
the text size to use for fps and score
the text size to use for score dialog
slimes folder:
contains AIs and players skins. It must contains 4 AI skins and at least 1 player skin (up to 3).
Files are named:
From slimeAI0L.png to slimeAI3L.png and from slimeAI0R.png to slimeAI3R.png for AI skins
From slime0L.png to slime2L.png and from slime0R.png to slime2R.png for player skins
eye.png is the eye to use.
Of course you don't have to provide everything, I'll just copy default files for the missing file if you don't provide them (for instance I'm expecting most themes to use the default font)
The most important thing is to do a level background and the AI and player skin that goes with it.
Additionally you can provide a menu theme, which is basically a menu.png file and a font to use. (along with the font size and color that should be used). But I'm not sure menu themes are that usefull.
If you're lacking inspiration, here's a list of themes I'd like to see in Slime Volley:
- Underwater theme
- Sand desert theme
- Beach theme
- Forest theme
- Factory theme
- End of the world theme (big storm and volcano in the background)
- Robot theme
- Building site theme
- …
This picture will help you for the level background making:

To submit your themes, you can use the Slime Volley forum I just re-opened for subscribing (I hope it still works), or you can just mail me at
mcmic@tuxfamily.org (You can also visit
http://mcmic.haxx.es and use the button on the bottom right to chat with me if I'm there)