Slime Volley 2.4.2

18 Jul 2010, 15:42

  • AI difficulty levels (4 available levels)
  • Bug fixes
  • New sound effects

Debian/Ubuntu, Mac OS 9, Haiku and Gentoo versions are not currently up to date.
* Mac OS X (Universal) (3.73 MiB, 2722 Downloads)
* Mac OS 9 (2 MiB, 2285 Downloads)
* BeOS/Haiku (2.43 MiB, 2456 Downloads)
* Linux i386 (1.97 MiB, 2619 Downloads)
* Linux x64 (1.97 MiB, 2501 Downloads)
* Debian/Ubuntu i386 (1.71 MiB, 2981 Downloads)
* Gentoo (974 Bytes, 2596 Downloads)
* Windows (2.72 MiB, 4780 Downloads)
* Source code (2.29 MiB, 3138 Downloads)

Slime Volley Portable 2.4.2

24 Jul 2010, 11:28

Slime Volley Portable is a special Slime Volley version requiring no install to work.
Please note that this version is only available in English, et ne propose que le thème par défaut.
* Linux i386 (1.09 MiB, 2474 Downloads)
* Windows (796.83 KiB, 3295 Downloads)

Thème Arash

09 Dec 2008, 22:59

Binary (1.9 MiB, 2874 Downloads)

Thème Mushrooms

09 Dec 2008, 23:02

Binary (453.97 KiB, 2794 Downloads)

DEB format based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu et derivates)

Source and binary Debian packages (for i386 and PowerPC) are available.
They are signed, so the package manager can trust their origin.
You have first to add the public GnuPC key to the package manager keyring, with the command :
Code: Select all
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Add then these lines to your file /etc/apt/sources.list :
Code: Select all
deb stable main
deb-src stable main
You can use for this your favorite text editor (run as root) or the Synaptic package manager (Open it (System/Admininistration), then go to Configuration>Repositories).
After reloading the package list, you will be able to install Slime Volley by installing the package "slimevolley". Dependences will be automatically installed.

git repository

You can get the sources of the developmental version of Slime Volley by using git.
Please remember that it is work in progress sources, so some functions may not be present, may be not working, or the code itself could not successfully compile ;)

After you have downloaded and installed git enter the command :
Code: Select all
git clone git:// slimevolley
A "slimevolley" folder, containing all the sources, will be created into the current folder.
if you want later update the sources to the last available version, go into the sources directory and type in :
Code: Select all
git pull